MG does LA!

The Big Lebowski is now seen as a classic sendup of LA, but it bombed on release.

So tonight we're pairing it with an LA-defining movie that was a major hit in its day - but has since totally disappeared: Steve Martin's LA Story!

When the Coen Brother's comic-noir masterpiece The Big Lebowski hit theaters in 1997, it fizzled with both critics and audiences - but it has since cemented its position in the pantheon of classic sendups of Los Angeles culture to the point that nearly everyone these days knows "the Dude abides."

So for tonight's double feature

But Gen-Xers will remember that, for the longest time, the go-to for Los Angeles quotes was a movie that has now completely disappeared from the public consciousness:

Steve Martin's LA Story!

The Big Lebowski's an LA Story!
Drink. Talk. Drink
