A Hoffman classic!
Dustin Hoffman has had a long and illustrious career from Ratso Rizzo to Rain man
- but MG argues that one of his best performances is actually in one of his silliest movies - Sydney Pollack's classic comedy from 1982, Tootsie!
Cross-dressing comedies were a Hollywood staple for countless decades,
from Some Like it Hot to Mrs. Doubtfire - and many, for obvious reasons, have become pretty cringeworthy watches in modern times.
But MG argues that Sydney Pollack's classic 1982 comedy Tootsie
Starring Dustin Hoffman as Dorothy Michaels -
While still 80's-dated in many ways - actually remains a powerfully empathic work of great depth and humanism - while still delivering on its slapstick conceit!
MG takes on Tootsie!
Drink. Talk. Drink